Hot Wheel and Cold Wheel Detection
We offer state of the art track side monitoring systems that record wheel and brake disc temperatures and send real time updates to the operators.

Wheel Defect Detection
We offer state of the art track side monitoring systems that record wheel defects of passing rolling stock and send real time alerts to the operator.

Undercarriage Monitoring
We offer state of the art track side monitoring systems for detecting loose and hanging equipment in the undercarriage with real time alerts to prevent damage to the track and rolling stock.

Wheel Flange Measurement
We offer the industry leading Nextsense contact-less measurement devices for evaluation and recording of wheel flange height and thickness.

Wheel Profile Measurement
We offer state of the art Nextsense contact-less measurement system to record the wear and dimensional accuracy of wheels.

Wheel Diameter Measurement
We offer the industry leading Nextsense contact-less measurement system that allows the operator to accurately measure and record the rolling circle diameter of a free or mounted wheel.

Back to Back Measurement
The industry leading Nextsense measurement system can be used to accurately measure and record back-to-back distance and also provide automatic evaluation.